2009年12月13日 星期日

15 Twitter tips for beginners

  1. Start off by posting a few innocuous posts – “trying out Twitter”, “Recently moved to Vancouver, anyone here from Vancouver?”, and some stuff introducing yourself your interests & why you’re using Twitter, e.g. “I hope to learn more about cleantech”, that kind of thing.
  2. Then build up your network. Start with your friends you know to be on Twitter. Start following them. But also look at the list of people they are following. You may know some of them too, if so, add them to the list of people you follow too.
  3. If you precede someone’s username with the @ symbol in a post on Twitter (i.e. “@tomraftery how is it going?”) then your post appears in the Reply tab on their Twitter page. This works whether they are following you or not. When you @reply to someone, they are likely to check out your profile and may decide to follow you. This is a very powerful way to build up your network with people who don’t necessarily know you but with whom you want to connect.
  4. Check out the TwitterGrader page for your area, for instance, if you are based in Andalucia, in the south of Spain, like me, check the TwitterGrader page for Andalucia and you’ll find some interesting people you may want to connect to, to get into the local scene.
  5. Follow some of the people there, check who they are following and talking to (@ replying to) and consider following them too.
  6. Sidenote: if you precede someone’s username with “d ” (i.e. “d tomraftery how is it going?”) this sends a private message only to them – called a direct message or DM. You can only send DMs to people who have chosen to follow you.
  7. Also, don’t be shy about asking your friends to pimp you to their followers!
  8. Then, using Twitter:

  9. On the computer – download & install Adobe AIR (if you don’t already have it installed). Then use either Twhirl or TweetDeck for posting/reading posts. I prefer TweetDeck. The Twitter web interface is still prob the best for checking people’s profiles and seeing who they follow.
  10. On the iPod Touch/iPhone use Twitterfon, on Blackberry I hear Twitterberry is good and
  11. On any other phone use dabr.co.uk – a web based mobile Twitter client
  12. Always remember, if you @reply someone looking to get their attention or hoping they will follow you, they will likely click through to check out your Twitter page. There are many bots on Twitter so to weed out real/interesting users from bots I always look at a persons most recent posts to see what they are talking about (if their posts are all links to one site, forget it!), I look at the number of people they follow vs the number of people following them. If they are following 1,000 say and have very few followers, it is a sure sign that they are a bot who just auto-followed lots of people.
  13. I also check out what the person says about themselves in the bio and click on their site, if they have one.
  14. If you want people to follow you, then ensure your updates are not protected. Someone coming to your Twitter page and seeing Protected Updates is very unlikely to decide to follow you.
  15. Purely a personal preference, but I think it is far better to use your own name on your Twitter account than some handle. It is a matter of personal branding but to my mind, a Twitter account called @JohnDoe tells me more about the user than @stargazr49!
  16. Finally, a photo is also very important on your account, be sure to add one to your profile
  17. BONUS EXTRA TIP!!! – Use your Twitter username everywhere – add it to your email sig, put it on your business cards, leave it in blog comments – don’t spam, just do it where appropriate.
Source: http://www.tomrafteryit.net/15-twitter-tips-for-beginners/

2009年12月10日 星期四

追IP地址知賣家身份 網上賣冒牌貨拘19人

(AM730 2009年12月11日P.6)


2009年12月2日 星期三

全身不遂 仍能動腦 癱男毅志成大狀

(AM730 2009年12月03日 P.24)
黃金盛年遭逢全身癱瘓的巨變,有人絕望尋死,也有人激發生命潛力,創出超越健全者的成就。英國一名青年在欖球賽中受傷四肢癱瘓,但他深信最強器官還是腦袋,終克服萬難考入法律系,再晉身頂尖律師行。現年22歲的馬特金(Matt King),17歲時參加首場職業欖球賽,開賽僅20秒,即遭對手的膝蓋意外重創頸部。他住院9個月總算保住性命,惟僅餘五官能郁動,頸部以下全身癱瘓,並須賴導管呼吸。他當時腦海只浮現3個字:讓我死!5年後的今天,馬特金卻是一級榮譽的法律畢業生,更贏得倫敦頂尖律師樓的實習合約。他的積極人生觀及對抗逆境的毅力,也為不少殘障人士照亮未來。他猶記出院後如何面對慘變:「人生就此天翻地覆,我由漆黑看不見將來,到燃起希望曙光,是明白到腦袋才是最珍貴的器官,自己腦部無損已是天賜的恩惠。」馬特金也思索自己可以在哪個行業立足,隨即想到法律。「就攻讀法律系吧,只要動腦筋就行了。」出院第二個月他即重返校園,在高考取得歷史及地理A級成績,繼而考入赫特福德郡大學法律系。他癱瘓後不斷為殘障者爭取權益,07年就創下紀錄,以電動輪椅參賽紐約馬拉松,用下巴推動輪椅控制桿,完成6個半小時的艱巨賽程。取錄他的律師樓見習部主管表示,馬特金克服殘障的過程匪夷所思,加上其敏銳智力,他日必成法律界精英。
(AM730 2009年12月03日 P.16) 上海有電訊公司日前推出手機定位服務,使用者可用手機短訊、互聯網等方式,透過公司提供的平台, 查詢相關者的位置,每名用戶每月付30元人民幣,可查詢15次目標人物位置。公司聲稱妻子可用此服務 追蹤丈夫行蹤,老闆則可監控員工。有網民對服務表示歡迎,亦有人稱,上班下班也被人追蹤,「日子過得實在太悲慘了」。 http://www.am730.com.hk/old_issue/issue/2009/200912/20091203/default1.html?startpage=17