2009年12月13日 星期日

15 Twitter tips for beginners

  1. Start off by posting a few innocuous posts – “trying out Twitter”, “Recently moved to Vancouver, anyone here from Vancouver?”, and some stuff introducing yourself your interests & why you’re using Twitter, e.g. “I hope to learn more about cleantech”, that kind of thing.
  2. Then build up your network. Start with your friends you know to be on Twitter. Start following them. But also look at the list of people they are following. You may know some of them too, if so, add them to the list of people you follow too.
  3. If you precede someone’s username with the @ symbol in a post on Twitter (i.e. “@tomraftery how is it going?”) then your post appears in the Reply tab on their Twitter page. This works whether they are following you or not. When you @reply to someone, they are likely to check out your profile and may decide to follow you. This is a very powerful way to build up your network with people who don’t necessarily know you but with whom you want to connect.
  4. Check out the TwitterGrader page for your area, for instance, if you are based in Andalucia, in the south of Spain, like me, check the TwitterGrader page for Andalucia and you’ll find some interesting people you may want to connect to, to get into the local scene.
  5. Follow some of the people there, check who they are following and talking to (@ replying to) and consider following them too.
  6. Sidenote: if you precede someone’s username with “d ” (i.e. “d tomraftery how is it going?”) this sends a private message only to them – called a direct message or DM. You can only send DMs to people who have chosen to follow you.
  7. Also, don’t be shy about asking your friends to pimp you to their followers!
  8. Then, using Twitter:

  9. On the computer – download & install Adobe AIR (if you don’t already have it installed). Then use either Twhirl or TweetDeck for posting/reading posts. I prefer TweetDeck. The Twitter web interface is still prob the best for checking people’s profiles and seeing who they follow.
  10. On the iPod Touch/iPhone use Twitterfon, on Blackberry I hear Twitterberry is good and
  11. On any other phone use dabr.co.uk – a web based mobile Twitter client
  12. Always remember, if you @reply someone looking to get their attention or hoping they will follow you, they will likely click through to check out your Twitter page. There are many bots on Twitter so to weed out real/interesting users from bots I always look at a persons most recent posts to see what they are talking about (if their posts are all links to one site, forget it!), I look at the number of people they follow vs the number of people following them. If they are following 1,000 say and have very few followers, it is a sure sign that they are a bot who just auto-followed lots of people.
  13. I also check out what the person says about themselves in the bio and click on their site, if they have one.
  14. If you want people to follow you, then ensure your updates are not protected. Someone coming to your Twitter page and seeing Protected Updates is very unlikely to decide to follow you.
  15. Purely a personal preference, but I think it is far better to use your own name on your Twitter account than some handle. It is a matter of personal branding but to my mind, a Twitter account called @JohnDoe tells me more about the user than @stargazr49!
  16. Finally, a photo is also very important on your account, be sure to add one to your profile
  17. BONUS EXTRA TIP!!! – Use your Twitter username everywhere – add it to your email sig, put it on your business cards, leave it in blog comments – don’t spam, just do it where appropriate.
Source: http://www.tomrafteryit.net/15-twitter-tips-for-beginners/

2009年12月10日 星期四

追IP地址知賣家身份 網上賣冒牌貨拘19人

(AM730 2009年12月11日P.6)


2009年12月2日 星期三

全身不遂 仍能動腦 癱男毅志成大狀

(AM730 2009年12月03日 P.24)
黃金盛年遭逢全身癱瘓的巨變,有人絕望尋死,也有人激發生命潛力,創出超越健全者的成就。英國一名青年在欖球賽中受傷四肢癱瘓,但他深信最強器官還是腦袋,終克服萬難考入法律系,再晉身頂尖律師行。現年22歲的馬特金(Matt King),17歲時參加首場職業欖球賽,開賽僅20秒,即遭對手的膝蓋意外重創頸部。他住院9個月總算保住性命,惟僅餘五官能郁動,頸部以下全身癱瘓,並須賴導管呼吸。他當時腦海只浮現3個字:讓我死!5年後的今天,馬特金卻是一級榮譽的法律畢業生,更贏得倫敦頂尖律師樓的實習合約。他的積極人生觀及對抗逆境的毅力,也為不少殘障人士照亮未來。他猶記出院後如何面對慘變:「人生就此天翻地覆,我由漆黑看不見將來,到燃起希望曙光,是明白到腦袋才是最珍貴的器官,自己腦部無損已是天賜的恩惠。」馬特金也思索自己可以在哪個行業立足,隨即想到法律。「就攻讀法律系吧,只要動腦筋就行了。」出院第二個月他即重返校園,在高考取得歷史及地理A級成績,繼而考入赫特福德郡大學法律系。他癱瘓後不斷為殘障者爭取權益,07年就創下紀錄,以電動輪椅參賽紐約馬拉松,用下巴推動輪椅控制桿,完成6個半小時的艱巨賽程。取錄他的律師樓見習部主管表示,馬特金克服殘障的過程匪夷所思,加上其敏銳智力,他日必成法律界精英。
(AM730 2009年12月03日 P.16) 上海有電訊公司日前推出手機定位服務,使用者可用手機短訊、互聯網等方式,透過公司提供的平台, 查詢相關者的位置,每名用戶每月付30元人民幣,可查詢15次目標人物位置。公司聲稱妻子可用此服務 追蹤丈夫行蹤,老闆則可監控員工。有網民對服務表示歡迎,亦有人稱,上班下班也被人追蹤,「日子過得實在太悲慘了」。 http://www.am730.com.hk/old_issue/issue/2009/200912/20091203/default1.html?startpage=17

2009年11月4日 星期三

"Martians, Venusians, and Networking" - The differences between male and female networkers by Dr. Ivan Misner and Hazel Walker.

Source: http://successnet.czcommunity.com/from-the-founder/martians-venusians-and-networking/4063/

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but networking is just networking, right? Or is it?

Over the years we have worked with both men and women to grow their businesses by referral, and recently, as part of a study, we have observed the differences between how men and women network. In particular, we have noted how the genders utilize the VCP Process differently.

Every relationship, regardless of its nature, goes through a process. In the world of networking, the process of building a business relationship is called the VCP Process. Following are the steps in the VCP Process:

Visibility - This is the point in the relationship at which individuals first meet. They might simply have a conversation, trade contact information, and move on. This might happen several times. At this stage, individuals merely have to remember one another and have some basic knowledge of the other.

Credibility - This is the second phase of the relationship. In this phase, two individuals have interacted several times and trust one another. The longer they know, work with, and support each other, the deeper their credibility and trust. At this phase of the relationship the two networking partners begin to trust and help each other—and the relationship continues to grow.

Profitability - This is the third phase of the relationship. At this point, two networking partners completely trust each other, open their networks and customer databases to each other, and proactively help each other. Each has a deeper understanding of the other’s business and knows how to develop referrals and connections as well as open doors.

The Transactional vs. the Personal Networking Relationship

Since the days of hunting and gathering, there have been assumptions about the genders and how each experiences the world differently. So there remains today a fascination with the differences between men and women. As networkers, we are specifically curious about how men and women use the VCP Process differently—and how that impacts the sales process.

One key difference is women generally work the VCP Process more slowly. Women often spend a great deal of time at the Visibility stage—individually getting to know those in their network. Remarkably, we have witnessed that many women will work the VCP Process expertly up until the point where they achieve optimum Credibility; suddenly, they stall the process. At that point it won’t move forward to the next level of Profitability.

We cannot yet say for sure why this happens. But we’ve hypothesized that many women are hesitant to directly ask for a sale or a referral, for fear of overstepping their boundaries and losing credibility. Instead, they wait to be asked about what referrals or sales they are looking for. If their networking partners never ask, then these women often don’t enter into the Profitability stage.

Another key difference we’ve observed is that, generally speaking, men have a propensity to work the VCP Process in a far more transactional way than women. A significant percentage of the male networkers we have studied tend to start the relationship building process with Visibility and then prematurely move the relationship to the Profitability phase by asking for business and referrals before it is appropriate to do so. These same men will quickly start the process over again if the relationship in which they asked for a referral or a sale does not prove to be profitable.

Does genetic makeup have anything to do with why a compelling number of female networkers excel in the Visibility and Credibility phases of building relationships but fall flat when it comes to the final phase of Profitability, and why such a prominent portion of male networkers tend to jump blindly from Visibility into Profitability?

Interesting and mysterious, these differences are the basis for our upcoming book, Business Networking and Sex. If we can learn more about how the two genders are different and alike at the same time, we can learn to be more effective at the entire networking process. And to us, that’s very exciting!

If you’re curious about whether our observations about men and women and how they network may prove to be genetically determined, take five minutes to complete our survey and be a part of helping us find out!

Tell us what you think! Do men and women network differently? If so, how?

Hazel Walker is the Executive Director for BNI - Central Indiana as well as a franchise owner for the Referral Institute. She is a member of the National Speakers Association and travels the world speaking to business professionals on a variety of topics. You can read her blog at www.hazelmwalker.com

Called the father of modern networking by CNN, Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times bestselling author. He is the founder and chairman of BNI, the world's largest business networking organization. His latest New York Times best selling book, The 29% Solution, can be viewed at 29PercentSolution.com. Dr. Misner is also the Sr. Partner for the Referral Institute, an international referral training company. He can be reached at misner@bni.com.

2009年10月27日 星期二

殘奧金牌運動員 天生無手打遍天下 退下乒乓球桌 轉任牧師分享經歷

(明報)2009年10月28日 星期三 05:10
44歲的萊納•施密特(Rainer Schmidt)天生無手,卻能在乒乓球界打遍天下。這位德國 殘障奧運 (Paralympic Games)七朝元老 ,去年於北京 完成最後一場賽事後退役,搖身一變成為牧師,上周四到訪本港中學,更與聽障學生切磋球技。觀眾無不為其球技讚歎之際,他坦言曾因自己天生有限制而感到「羞愧」,「當外婆知道我天生沒有手臂,立即建議母親送我到養護機構!幸好父母沒有這樣做」。
施密特上周到聖公會林護紀念中學演講前接受訪問,當記者跟他點頭問好時,他則微笑伸出右手上臂,記者首次與受訪者「握臂」問候。在眾多運動之中,施密特偏偏選擇講求雙手高度協調的乒乓球,更成為國際球壇矚目的金牌名將,他坦言要克服身體限制,全因深信這句話︰「Lieber Arm ab als arm dran」(寧可缺手,不做可憐的孩子)。

座右銘:寧可缺手 不做可憐的孩子
「Arm在德文有兩個意思,名詞可解作手臂,形容詞則可解作『可憐的』,德語『arm dran』意即『可憐的孩子』。」他說,在2004年更以此概念出版第一本書《Lieber Arm ab als arm dran》(中文名︰《寧可缺手,但無缺憾》),全因一段童年經歷啟發。

長短腳兼色盲 幸父母不離棄
「當那男人看見我穿上義肢沒有雙臂的樣子,立即以苦惱表情說︰arm dran!(可憐的孩子!)」施密特嚴肅地說︰「當時我感到很奇怪,為何自己生活愉快,別人總覺得我是可憐呢?」他指弟弟當時聽到那男人的說話,立即大聲反駁對方︰「我哥哥不是可憐的!他只是沒有雙臂!」訪問期間,他感到口渴,職員為他遞上樽裝水時拉開樽蓋,他用雙臂接過水樽,夾著喝了幾口,動作靈活。

與女友分手 決讀神學認識信仰
曾拿過7次殘障奧運、七次世界盃 及十次歐洲盃殘障運動項目等獎項,施密特仍然會懷念昔日的比賽生涯,但為了追隨感興趣的信仰,故當上牧師,到處跟青年分享人生經歷,「每個人都有自己的限制,但每個人也都有突破限制的可能!關鍵在於你如何對待它、如何運用它」。他表示,自己寧願沒有手臂,也不願做一個可憐的人,對於生活上的限制,「會學習平心靜氣地接納它們」。

(明報記者 彭碧珊)

2009年10月22日 星期四


美國青年Gregory Smith(23歲),前天持槍打劫印第安納波利斯一家財務公司,女職員苦口婆心向他講耶穌,他即良心發現下跪與她一同禱告10分鐘,又透露養兒艱難才作賊,繼而取出子彈將槍交給她,並互相擁抱安慰;到最後他只取去20元鈔票及她的手機後逃去,卻又於翌日自首。這離奇過程被閉路電視攝下,成為最不可思議的械劫實錄。

Google「大石砸死蟹」- 作品掃描上網捱轟、惹中國作家不滿

搜尋網站巨擘Google自04年起,將圖書掃描,供美國讀者查閱,當中包括570位中國作家共逾1.7萬部中文著作,此舉引起中國作家的不滿,投訴Google侵權。Google為此提出和解條款,同意和解的作家將獲每本著作60美元(約465港元)賠償,還可以獲分網上閱讀收入,但中國作家狠批Google欠缺誠意。「中國文字著作權協會」表示,直至上月1日,Google已將570位中國作家逾1.7萬本作品掃描,放入其網上圖書館內,協會呼籲中國作家登錄網站,查看自己的作品有否被收入該圖書館內。報道指,Google為平息作家怒火,提出和解條款,分為「同意」及「不同意」,選擇同意的作家,其每本著作可獲得60美元賠償,以後還可獲得63%的網上閱讀收入,但有關作家須於明年6月5日前提出申請,否則視同放棄;而選擇不同意條款的作家亦須在明年1月5日前提出訴訟。不過,此條款令作家們更憤怒,中國作家陳村揶揄,「Google何不把《哈利波特》掃上去,再給羅琳60美元,看她幹不幹。」 有內地律師亦批評,Google既然願意賠償,卻又規定了提出申請的時間,有失誠意。中國作家協會將聯同更多作者向Google抗議,又計劃與中國作協等部門,發布聯合聲明,以維護中國作家的權益。惟美國亞太法律學院秘書長孫遠釗指,中國作家在與Google這般大機構的訴訟難獲勝。



2009年10月13日 星期二

觸動我的愛情故事 - 高錕50年婚姻

(本文作者是商台黃昏節目「左右大局」主持人)- 李慧玲)

2009年10月9日 星期五

AndroidApps.com - the largest and most extensive resource for professional, high-quality video reviews of Android applications

"Android is a platform that has the potential to change the entire landscape of mobile devices. Device independent and backed by one of the most powerful companies in the world, Android is going to cause a big splash.

The floodgates have been opened and there is already a huge surge of developers working on applications. Unfortunately, Android is going to face the exact same dilemia as the iPhone - consumers won't be able to keep up with the massive amounts of app releases. Should I spend money on this app? Is that app even worth downloading? How do I find must-have applications when hundreds are released every week? Its a frustrating experience, with no easy solution until now.

AndroidApps.com is the largest and most extensive resource for professional, high-quality video reviews of Android applications. Every newly released app is evaluated against a number of criteria: Is it worth downloading? Is it worth buying? Is it just another clone? Will Android users have any interest in it? If the application is worthwhile, AppVee Android Apps goes to work developing a comprehensive video review, a written review, posting screenshots, providing additional app information and opening up user reviews. We bring you reviews every day of the week, 365 days a year."

光纖之父高錕獲諾物理學獎 vs 老年癡呆症

今屆諾貝爾獎(Nobel Prize)再現華人之光!有「光纖之父」稱譽的前香港中文大學校長、高錕(Charles K.Kao),以及另外兩位美國科學家,獲頒諾貝爾物理學獎(圖)。高錕曾定居香港,並就讀於聖若瑟書院,與本港淵源深厚。瑞典皇家科學院讚揚高錕,「在有關光在纖維中的傳輸,以用於光學通訊方面」取得突破成就。高錕對獲獎表示榮幸,他稱諾獎較少表揚應用科技範疇的成就,故對自己能獲獎感到驚喜。76歲的高錕,1933年生於上海,48年移居香港,就讀聖若瑟書院,其後考進香港大學,但因當時港大仍未開設電機工程系,高錕於是赴英留學。高錕於65年發表論文,首度提出用石英基玻璃纖維作遠距離資訊傳遞——即以玻璃製造比頭髮絲更細的光纖,取代銅導線作為長距離的通訊線路。隨著第一個光纖系統於81年面世,高錕「光纖之父」美譽傳遍世界。高錕同時亦研發實現光纖通訊所需的輔助性系統,他在纖維的構造、強度及耐久性等多個範疇均做了大量研究。光纖在醫學上也被廣泛應用,如胃鏡等內窺鏡,可讓醫生看見患者體內的情況;光纖科技對工業發展亦有重大幫助。


10月7日(三) 化學獎
10月8日(四) 文學獎
10月9日(五) 和平獎
10月12日(一) 經濟學獎




老年癡呆症是一種腦部疾病,患者的腦細胞會急速退化,由於腦部功能逐漸衰退,患者會變得健忘、智力退化,以及性格有所改變。患者多為65歲以上人士,年紀愈大,患病機會愈大,數字顯示估計本港約有7萬名患者。老年癡呆症的種類繁多,最普遍的是阿氏癡呆症(Alzheimer's Disease),屬於退化性疾病,但成因未明,目前亦沒有根治的方法,患者會逐漸衰退。另一種是血管性癡呆症(Vascular Dementia),這是因連串腦中風或血管疾病所致,令腦部損壞而成。其他導致癡呆的成因包括情緒抑鬱、營養不良、藥物中毒等,這一類可透過服藥減輕病情。患者的病徵主要是失去短期記憶,影響工作能力、語言表達或理解能力有困難、判斷力減退、情緒或行為變得變幻無常,甚至有患者會性格大變。目前主要以多款處方藥物及行為治療,減慢老年癡呆症的衰退速度,其中認知訓練、心理行為治療等,均能有效改善患者的情緒與行為問題。